Former Chief Minister of Karnataka, Siddaramaiah, on Thursday night, rejected any dissent report in the state Congress unit but alleged that BJP was trying to bribe its party legislators.
On Tuesday, Siddaramaiah, president of the Coordination Committee of Congress-JD (S) Coalition Government, rejected the report of dissent in the Congress and said that its media report was useless.
After meeting the Zerkiholi brothers, he told reporters, "There is nothing, there is no dispute. Whatever is happening in the media, there is no truth in it ... it is completely baseless."
The Congress has been killed by internal dissent, which is triggered by a group of legislators led by Minister Ramesh Jarkiholi who is locked in war wars with another minister DK Shivakumar.
The activities of the Zarkihihali brothers have led speculation that the BJP was fishing in troubled waters and was in touch with them to tamper with the government.
The brothers and sisters are rebelling at Shivakumar, allegedly trying to challenge their supremacy in Belagavi district through the luxuries Lakshmi Hibbalkar.
Siddaramaiah said that there are many candidates for filling up six ministerial posts and there are speculations in the media about dissatisfaction in the party. The former Chief Minister claimed that the BJP is trying to destabilize the government and many MLAs have said that some BJP members had approached him.
Siddaramaiah insisted, "It is true that BJP is trying to destabilize this government, he has left all civilization to come to power. There is no dispute in our party."
(With ANI Inputs)
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